Author: Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy
Book Title: War and Peace
Leo Tolstoy’s book War and Peace has been considered an inseparable part of Russian literature for many years. This is not only an epic novel, but also an encyclopedia of the life of Russian people in the 19th century.
In the center of the story are two male antipodes: Count Pierre Bezukhov and Prince Andrei Bolkonsky. The image of Pierre Bezukhov can be attributed to dreamers who want the best, but who do not succeed at all as they would like. Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, on the other hand, acts as an ideal Russian soldier, son and husband, a skillful owner. Absolutely dissimilar, at first glance, the images still have something in common – they both are looking for real themselves, both in search of true happiness.
Natasha Rostova becomes the central female character of the novel. We are introduced to her at a very young age, and she grows up before our eyes. In the course of the events of the novel, the main character also grows, turning from a young, slightly naive girl into a loving wife and mother.
The author subtly worked out each character encountered in the process of reading and his role in the overall picture of the work. Here we get to know the Emperor Alexander I, and Napoleon, and Kutuzov. At the same time, next to them, we get to know Helen Kuragina, Princess Marya and Vasily Denisov, who do not decide the fate of mankind.
This book is not about war, not about peace, it is, first of all, about people. We live the book in a wide variety of images and situations. We see heroes at social events, and we see them in the trenches of the Patriotic War, in happiness and grief, separation and love suffering. War and Peace is a book for everyone. It is about a change in consciousness, about the search for being and the search for ourselves.